Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Website Design and Maintenance

Every one think that once we had designed site why we need to maintain that site as it would be work properly as we won’t upgrade anything we won’t make any changes that why we need to pay charged for maintain that site, that really an simply an perception as with upgrade in technology you have to keep you site maintain according to updates take place in same way like you maintain your car, that is for keeping your car in running condition routine maintenance is compulsory  like air in tires, fresh oil, new oil filters, and new wind shield wiper blades and that cost money.

Similarly website design by company need proper maintenance like

Browser compatibility check - with upcoming versions of browser it may be case that your site is not compatible to that browser as every new version of browser as has some new advent features due which you need to upgrade your site.

Validation check – With change updates in scripting language that is HTML 4, 5 etc there are changes in W3C validation rules so may be your site is not configure with that validation.

Drupal Site Maintenance – As we know Drupal is a sophisticated platform so where with every day you may get new updates on different Modules may be related to security or patches with all this update it may also effect have effect on module which was installed for development of your drupal website.

Server Configuration – changes may be your hosting provider could make update on server due to which your server configuration may be changed which could cause some undesirable result to your site.

Hackers attack – Even hacker could potentially get through vulnerability for your site.


1 comment:

  1. Many web application developers opt for Drupal for its extensive and versatile features. Being a content management system, Drupal satisfies all extensibility needs in a very fast way which helps Drupal Developers to be ahead of other developers using other content management systems
